May 28, 2012

no matter

For a friend of mine. He is really awesome, but I really don't appreciate him enough.
Thank you for always being there for me, for always letting me talk with you.
Thank you for being so patient with me, especially since I never seem to ever listen to you, I should know better and do as you tell me more often.
You are a very good friend, I really should try to spend some more time with you. Even if it's just random chit chatting.

May 21, 2012

Back to life

The worst is over.
All those massive hand in's we had on the 18th are now over and I can finally feel a bit more at ease. It was horrible to have four big hand in's at the same day. Think I might have messed up in some places, but I handed in to everyone, so I'm not going to die or anything...
The two following drawings are stuff I did for background practice. The first one being from a storyboard we were told to draw last semester, but I abandoned it because I felt I couldn't pull it off properly and there was a requirement I had forgotten about when I started it.
 This one was originally just going to be a re-drawing of the scenery, but then I decided to try re-draw the entire thing, but being the weirdo I am I found out halfway through sketching I didn't want to re-draw the original with the girls. The poses are the same, but I decided to go with the boys instead.
 Senshi, Kuya, Yo and Lanto.

Decided to have some fun doodling Hawk, Yo and Lanto genderbended, but still keeping their personalities shining through. I blame Japanese music videos for setting this off. It went from happy colorful Yo in a girly pose to genderbend. All because I wanted to draw him in shorts.

May 10, 2012


*sigh* I wish 3D would just go away.  I'm having much more fun with the 2D stuff. Though next year I know I will pick the option where I -hopefully- don't have to do any 3D. Maya why you so complicated?
I am doing better with it (read: can remember the mouse buttons) and someone seems to have replaced half the mouses in the studio with small instead of "standard" size ones so I can actually use it without breaking my hand, but I still don't like working with this stuff.
I am in full favour of leaving these things to people that actually like this stuff.   -___-'