Dec 26, 2012


Have had some fun trying to doodle in Erraday's style. It was difficult to do the hair and I totally screwed up the background. but overall it was fun to have a go at it.
I did another style test thing, but more of a coloring style. Attempted to get the watercolor look, some parts went ok, but it's still kinda off in a way.
Kuya belongs to Milla

Nov 14, 2012

Glow out

Simply needed a break from working with school related stuff. Need to draw my own stuff in between or I'll go crazy. Something just for me that has no demands to it and don't have to answer to anyone else.

Nov 7, 2012

wroom wroom

Today I learned how to write car in Japanese.
Pretty much every single paper I have in my possession have now been infested with a scribble somewhere on it. One of my papers is starting to look like Yamasaki's "Anpan" new year card from Gintama, except it says くるま....

Oct 26, 2012

Language doodles

Just a couple sketches based on when I'm learning/talking with Japanese on Lang-8.

Some people are a bit harsher and straight forward than others.
I appreciate both, but prefer a softer approach.

Uhm. yeah.
I can't pull good looking thinking faces.
I always end up looking bored.

Oct 20, 2012

Adventure time

Been having this habit of drawing adventure time style lately.
I drew me and some of my classmates.

I ended up as a vampire with a random ghost hanging around me. I didn't really do much with the boys, except making one of them a bit too small, but we figured that was because his sword was too heavy for him. (And I'm sorry for spelling your princess Kaycee's name wrong the first time around.)

So yeah, vampire self. Whose vest once upon a time was red...
Because she gets out of control with her eating she have a sliver cross bracelet to keep her powers suppressed and it causes her skin to be less blue than other vampires. Her urge to eat is so bad that if she spaces out she will start chewing on random people around her. If the hunger gets strong enough she will even be eating the color pink, however, since it's a lighter (and less filling) color than red that will not keep her hunger at bay for long.

Her default expression makes her look bored/sleepy. It doesn't change that often since the bracelet is making her whole person a bit spaced out and dull, but it doesn't really take much to tick her off if she haven't had food in a while. Though she seems to mainly let her (mostly short lived) anger outbursts out on the ghost that travel around with her.

The ghost is a guy with a sakura flower on his head. He doesn't seem to be saying anything but "UUUOOOUUUHHH" and other ghost sounds while he floats around. He has taken a liking to the dull vampire girl, never straying far from her side.

Oct 13, 2012

Character: Zen

Before the summer holidays started I made a character. He was supposed to be a vocaloid or something, but I ended up making up all sorts of rules for him, and I decided he'd be better off as my original character. At the time I simply named him "No.17", and he was to have no other name.
The only things about him was his as his system ran out of power, his color would grow darker. I made a little drawing of him, but when I went home for the holidays I forgot to bring it with me home.

I really liked the concept, so I decided that I would draw a reference for him, even though I knew I couldn't remember him fully. (In retrospect I did remember quite a lot, but the first drawing is still the one I like better.) Adding the white as the 'turned off/out of power' and working out how he would read memory cards and such was quite fun, but I keep finding slight logical problems with some of it. His number also changed to 15, which I think I am actually more happy with.

Now that I have both drawings I am currently working on fixing things up so that he can make some more sense, starting from the bottom (more or less). Just because none of my other characters know everything about him and realize what he is capable of doesn't mean I shouldn't. So I have started with how he is built. Mind you, I am not in robotics, nor do I ever plan to be, so I am just having some fun with this.

I have decided that he is mainly a soft silicone like material on the outside, covering up the wires on the inside and he is put together similar to a ball joint doll in terms of of the joints. So if his elbow broke down you'd have to replace that part of the arm. The silicon stuff would make too much a mess and look really ugly if you started fiddling around with it, so in the robot recycle it goes.

I am keeping the off button locates at his neck, so he still hates hugs. The power plug have become some mishmash between the two, because it looks more fun to draw that way when you plug him in to recharge. Bunch of wires everywhere =D

This would be as far as I have gotten to with my dear little green glowing guy for now. There will probably be a lot more working on him before I end up with a more or less final result. But that's the fun with making a character, you get to know them and find out what works with them and what doesn't.

Sep 19, 2012

Back to school

 I'll be going back to England this weekend. I'm hoping the second year will be better than the first, I got a little too distracted by laziness and my nice, but somewhat noisy roomie. Hopefully I will be more organized this year, I don't like spending my holidays re-taking things.

I'm trying my best now to learn Japanese. Not for any specific reason, but for fun. I really need some "boring" theoretical work to do next to all those practical studies I will be doing at uni. Also learning new languages is kinda fun when I get to do things at my own pace.

I can count to five and write あ、い、え、う for now, though I'm a bit unsure if my u's are written correctly when I do it on paper. I should probably have someone over at lang-8 look at it and tell me if it's all horrid before I continue it...once you drill something into your mind it's hard to get it out, especially when you mostly rely on wrist movement.

The one thing I'm going to miss at home besides my friends is training Taekwondo. I like my teacher and the people there are nice. I hope I can find some place in Falmouth that has a nice place to train it, I don't really want to quit doing it since it's not too hard on me and it's useful to know self defence.
If I can't find a place like that I might try to see if there is another material art sport there I can try out. I might check out the Aikido thing, but I never liked the price they had on their poster. xD

Boring post without drawings is boring. Will probably be having them next time. I don't really feel like drawing on my tablet these days.

Sayonara, Cheerio(s) for now.

Aug 26, 2012

on livesteam and drawings

Been staring to do some livestaems again. My friends talked me into it. I don't mind it, though it does annoy me I can't go surfing around on the internet in the middle of it all, but then again that's a good thing. I get the drawing done much faster. Did a sketchy type of drawing

Na'ima, Iriangi, Tama and Phoenix.
 My Kitsune characters. Iriangi is a ninetails, Tama is a sixtail, Nai'ma seven and Phoenix eight. They are part of a world my friend Ai made, so they can't grow more tails than what they are born with. Though they can hide their tails and/or transform into humans.
Those swirly thingies around them are magical orbs. The grey ones are Iriangi's and the Orange belong to Tama. Na'ima just learned how to make them and Phoenix is too young, so theirs aren't floating mysteriously around. x3

If I'm not online there are still some recordings on my Livestaem channel.

Xei requested a drawing of Black Rock shooter. I was thinking of doing some dynamic pose all cleaned up and shiny, but I liked the sketch with my new-found pencil tool in Sai, all thanks to Kerri. I tend to like my sketches better than my finished stuff, especially if I spend a lot of time on the sketch.

Aug 2, 2012

One old, one new

Undine, Ciara and Nulpi

Something I started working on ages ago. Some people might remember one of my sketchdump posts. Got tired of working on it for so long, so the sktching is rather lazy, also I didn't really know what to do with the lighting. At least I have started TRYING to get some atmosphere by playing around with a bunch of filters on top of each other to get something other than just flat light.

Karma and Karmarali

Felt like drawing mine and Ai's twin characters after watching the vocaloid video of the song Matryoshka. They look crazy enough to fit perfectly with the style.

Osaka Castle

Decided to try my hands on a bit more backgrounds, but somehow I got lazy again - no surprise, and I decided to just go with it and draw it. After all, it's practice.

My characters Kaimu and Yo, playing around with soap bubbles next to Osaka Castle.
I learned from this that it's easier to do cityscapes in photoshop. Sai is missing the flat brush that makes nice, easy and quick square buildings. Think I will try do that next time, do my buildings in photoshop, at least until I get more used to sai and find away around it since I didn't find a flat brush like that in the menu. -3-

Jul 31, 2012

Young Howl

Finally colored it. It was actually fun to work on.
You'd think that I would find the castle the biggest pain, but that was actually the fun part. The biggest pain was the hillside, followed by the clouds. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the clouds, but I can't seem to make them look right even when looking up tutorials. There is just something I do with the brushing - I guess I don't really experiment enough, I like my good old comfort zone too much. I have to start getting out of it.
Starting in the small I guess....
Will try to do backgrounds on my pictures over the summer. Even if it's just a sketch. <3

Used one of Ghibli's pictures of the castle in the movie because it was more a practice piece in painting, which I myself think was a bit failing since I didn't get the texture on the rocks and clouds exactly the way I wanted. Then again, it was something I did for relaxing so I'm moving on to the next thing now.

Jul 24, 2012

young Howl doodle

Watched Howl's moving castle today. I felt like doing some fanart since I never do that. I love Howl so much, probably because my mind keep mixing the Howl in the movie and the one from the book.

The thought of Howl making the castle some time after he made the deal with Calcifer. The castle wouldn't be as big, and perhaps a bit less messy, though still rather wobbly walking the hills. Howl would collect things over time, slowly adding to his castle as he needed more space for his books and charms....

Jul 19, 2012

Been missing drawing a lot. Sketching <3

Jun 26, 2012


It's summer and whilst most people are outside having fun or doing things I'm stuck at campus until July. Fair enough I will get my piece and quiet to do some of the homework I have been set over the summer, but it really is awfully boring sitting alone in a place that becomes more deserted every day while everyone else is home having fun.
I could at least get some nice weather so I can go sit outside doing work....

Earlier doodle I did in terms of some kind of "what I'm wearing today" thing. First one is from 16th, the other one is from 26th (today).

 web cam pics of sketchbook because scanner decided that since the ink it's full the scanner shouldn't work...idk what's with that thing, but here, have some flipped drawings. :E

And then comes a doodle I'm not really sure I like or not. More cartoony looking Fuego, but somehow I feel her eyes might not be entirely the right shape. (And let's just pretend the back of her hair is not a mess and the pigtail looks nice.)

May 28, 2012

no matter

For a friend of mine. He is really awesome, but I really don't appreciate him enough.
Thank you for always being there for me, for always letting me talk with you.
Thank you for being so patient with me, especially since I never seem to ever listen to you, I should know better and do as you tell me more often.
You are a very good friend, I really should try to spend some more time with you. Even if it's just random chit chatting.

May 21, 2012

Back to life

The worst is over.
All those massive hand in's we had on the 18th are now over and I can finally feel a bit more at ease. It was horrible to have four big hand in's at the same day. Think I might have messed up in some places, but I handed in to everyone, so I'm not going to die or anything...
The two following drawings are stuff I did for background practice. The first one being from a storyboard we were told to draw last semester, but I abandoned it because I felt I couldn't pull it off properly and there was a requirement I had forgotten about when I started it.
 This one was originally just going to be a re-drawing of the scenery, but then I decided to try re-draw the entire thing, but being the weirdo I am I found out halfway through sketching I didn't want to re-draw the original with the girls. The poses are the same, but I decided to go with the boys instead.
 Senshi, Kuya, Yo and Lanto.

Decided to have some fun doodling Hawk, Yo and Lanto genderbended, but still keeping their personalities shining through. I blame Japanese music videos for setting this off. It went from happy colorful Yo in a girly pose to genderbend. All because I wanted to draw him in shorts.

May 10, 2012


*sigh* I wish 3D would just go away.  I'm having much more fun with the 2D stuff. Though next year I know I will pick the option where I -hopefully- don't have to do any 3D. Maya why you so complicated?
I am doing better with it (read: can remember the mouse buttons) and someone seems to have replaced half the mouses in the studio with small instead of "standard" size ones so I can actually use it without breaking my hand, but I still don't like working with this stuff.
I am in full favour of leaving these things to people that actually like this stuff.   -___-'

Apr 28, 2012

Bunny Spam

Friend lost her bunny, so I spam with fluffyness <3
The bottom one is also for school sketchbook project.

Mar 24, 2012


Back home again which is always nice.
Now if things would just stop being stupid.
Although HP in England was nice enough to fix me a new Hard drive for my pc my CD drive is still rubbish, it doesn't play cds - regardless if they are brand new, and I stopped completely trusting the pc itself. Which sucks, because I really do like this thing. So I might have to hand it back in to the company that sold it to me and have them send me a brand new one. MRRFH. That means I can't get any homework done and I'll have to re install everything...and it will take all the holidays. Though...that might mean I'll have more time for my friends this time. <3

Mar 13, 2012

girly kerri

Felt like doodling some girly Kerrigan.

used senshistock. I like her, she does nice poses for drawing :3

Mar 7, 2012

My little drawing

I don't know. I was just showing Chris the pencil tool in photosop. Then this somehow happened. Might have something to do with the images he was showing me earlier.

Mar 2, 2012

Books and Movies

I finished reading of Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban yesterday. It's one of my favourites in the series, so I decided to watch the movie today.
Normally I'd find myself saying "I don't really know what I prefer. I keep seeing the actors as the characters when I read, at the same time as I use my imagination throughout reading."
I have changed my mind.
I prefer the books.
Watching the movie was as if someone decided to skip 50-80% of the story and put in new things where they saw fit in their own mind, not to mention it felt like someone had hit a HUGE fast forward button to get things over with as quickly as possible. The story didn't flow along in a logic fashion at all, so many things that were nicely explained were chopped into little pieces so that it got to the point where you could JUST make out the thing, but only because the characters told you straight in your face.

The movies are good standing by themselves, but I don't think I'll be watching any of them in a long while. Not when I feel I'm watching a fast forward thing stressing to get to the end.

On a happier note I finally got around to pick up a book on watercoloring. I'll be trying out some of that stuff in the near future, as well as spending a bit more time outside when the weather is sunny. It's so nice and warm when the sun decides to show itself around here, almost like the beginning of the summer months.

Feb 25, 2012

Sketch Pages

Looks like I'm staring to beginning to doodle more backgrounds in my drawings. I have two drawings I quite like now, one of them is from back when I was home in January, the other one is something I doodled earlier today. Working mostly on the first one, actually enjoying doing a large drawing for once. Will see if I still feel like finishing the second one once I get done with this one.

Funny thing I seem to stuff the characters in the kitchen all the time. Have no idea WHY. Thinking back I have done this a couple times before, though those are drawings I never finished, only one ever made it past the sketch stage. I guess the kitchen is a fun place where you can make lots of things happen, or have lots of interesting things in the background.

Undine, Ciara and Nulpi
All characters belong to me, fuegokid

Candy, Blaise and Agni
Blaise belongs to Ai
Agni belongs to

Another note; got to do a collab drawing with Kerri again. Had lots of fun with it, I really do enjoy outlining and coloring her drawings. Though I should probably have remembered to send off the reference drawing of Daisuke before asking her to draw him. x3
She almost got him right in the first go, pretty good for simply relying on memory.
Original Sketch by Kerri

Yo and Daisuke belongs to me, fuegokid
Colored drawing by me

Feb 21, 2012


Started sketching just to relax. Somehow it turned out a 3 panel comic like thing. Apparently my mind have decided that one of my character are going to be downright lousy at doing Oregami. Poor Daisuke. Even Kaimu is making fun of you. (Though I think Yo is wondering how on earth he could screw up a paper crane and make it into something looking like a dog...)

A doodle for my cute lil sis Zing. -3-And something I think was somewhat of a fashion drawing test using Ai.
I kinda like doing these quick outfit doodles, something that is stuck from the year I went fashion and design I guess... whatever, it's good for character design. And it's rather fun to do.

Feb 17, 2012

House of many ways

Just finished reading House of many ways.
It's now the next favourite after Howl's Moving castle.
As much as I wanted to like the second book in the series, Castle in the sky, I don't really like it as much as the first and third. Those two have more in common considering the writing style and feel to them.

But what I loved most about this book was Twinkle. So adorable *3* just had to make a sketchy doodle of that cutie face~

Feb 16, 2012

New semester

New semester going on over here. The projects they are giving us will be lasting longer and we'll have more to do, but somehow I don't like working in the spare time I have between classes. I guess I find the studio too noisy with three different year groups trying to work at the same time. I do really enjoy my silence. Working later at night, around 6-ish to be more precise, is something I find to be really nice. There are normally only two or three more people there, and they are all working quietly. I guess I still enjoy doing things in a backwards way from the others.
When they all go home to eat dinner and hang out with each other, I come to the studio after having dinner - ready to get some work done.

So while everyone else is being good little animators working I stay at home reading children's/teens books, scribbling bits and pieces of stories and designing characters.

Currently reading House of many ways by Diana Wynne Jones. Though I quite enjoy it, and the book before it; Castle in the sky, my favourite will still be Howl's moving castle, which I will most likely read again after this one. I really do love the books, but I'm not so found of having pictures at the beginning of every chapter, it sort of disturbs the pictures in my imagination.

I think the only children's books where I accept the use of pictures is Roald Dahl's books. The illustrations by
Quentin Blak is so wonderfully childish, they actually play in my head as the story goes along. I don't think there is any other illustrator that have been able to make me play along with them no matter how good they are. I guess I'm just a stubborn artist that either reads the words or the pictures. Never both of them at the same time. If it has text I make my own picture. If it has a picture I don't really need the text. proven when I was trying to learn Spanish. I was given a children's book. It was about a boy moving to new place, having no friends he was unhappy. He found a puppy he was allowed to keep in the end and he was happy. (or he was playing with a ball and some other kids asked to join, they became happy friends etc, etc.)
Now, to be honest...I don't think I read a single word in that book. I hardly even remember it being text in the book. All I can remember is the pictures. x3

Feb 8, 2012


At school we did some storyboards after being given a script, as practice for both making storyboards and later an anematic. I'm done with both, but I'll only be showing a few of the storyboards, will avoid putting up the anematic if possible because of the scratch track. It's me doing, or rather, failingly trying to do the voices of 4 different characters.
The storyboarding and anematic itself was fun to work with. I really do enjoy working with storyboards and anematics.