So today I went shopping a bit at Asda with Milla, my laundry heap is getting somewhat large. So today I got myself some washing powder and stuff. But I'm not tackling that machine thing until tomorrow...although the clothing is dark colored I hope it all don't turn pitch black because of the new towel. I'm not spending £1.60 just to wash the towel alone.... although that might be a good idea. I'll tackle my white and colored stuff later. Mainly because all my colored stuff has different/wildly crazy colors on them, like the orange towel. "Wash with similar colors". The only thing with a similar color to that towel is my suitcase, which I doubt would be a good idea to stuff in a washing machine.

I kinda also have to start the sketchbook project. The one where you have to draw a toy in different angles and settings. Think I'll have to do that while the washing machine is on tomorrow.

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