Introduction day.
We had to play the same "speed dating" game thing that we did the night we met the mentors. Except that we had to introduce the person we had talked to last.
Basically nothing really happened.
Second day of school:
Today our teachers had us sit down and draw each other. I wriggled in pain on my chair, not because I don't like Chris, the guy with the awesome hair that I drew,
but because of the fact I had been doing that to Milla when I was bored at the hotel and I had failed miserably. Which had made me determined not to try it again for a little while. I really only do realistic when I feel like it. It takes longer than everything else. Also everyone was drawing each other, in other words, no one was sitting still. That's a pain in the ass since the angle constantly changes....
Sadly I can't show this off to anyone demanding to see it *cough*Ai*cough* because my teacher ran off with all the drawings. "We will keep them so you can compare it later."
Then we were supposed to do this little morph animation. From a circle into something else, then back. Mine turns into a creepy black blob. That is, once I get around to take the pictures with that camera that makes the animation thing. Think I'll do it tomorrow.

In the lunch break I ran around with Gracie and an Irish guy who's name I can't remember at the moment because it doesn't start with a C, or is like 3 letters long...
I can seriously only remember boy's names these days if it starts with a C. It's just weird really.... Anyways, we were running around getting something yummy to eat, I had French fries -except that the British ones are like half a potato big and called chips apparently >___>
very confusing considering chips in my country is like the American word for it, the ones that comes in a bag. Like Sørlandschips. ;O; Gawd I miss those.

Back in the classroom I sat down to doodle, only to be thrown out on a "treasure hunt" together with two guys; Ben and the other one I forgot the name of. Andy, our course leader, had made it some space theme, like; "You need to find these passwords to get the intergalactic space money from that place over there" and "The captain forgot to tell the person at home which color of the cat he was going to feed. Which color is the campus cat?" and he kept calling our campus "Tremough space station" or something. It felt more like a confusing hiking trip than a space adventure that had the purpose of teaching us where to find the different areas at school. I did learn a little where things are, but I'm still semi-lost...
Might be because there is a lot of fog outside.
Like almost a creepy amount.

Third day:
Went out taking some pictures in the fog yesterday, but I was disappointed that the little apple garden was closed when I got there. Because that would have been a seriously epic location. Old creepy small trees, rotten apples on the ground, a forgotten pond and an almost sinister looking road twisting along the side with trees closing in on it... It seems like they are keeping that apple garden closed, and during the treasure hunt with the two people from my class we just stumbled in there by accident. So basically I have been running around with my camera for the past two days, so there should be a pretty good amount of pictures filling up my September folder. The only funny thing is that me being me, I don't think there are very much pictures of the buildings around here, but everything else.

Today we pretty much just came to learn how to get into our learning space page and get some homework. Read a paper, hand in the circle animation we started, and a sketchbook project - taking a toy and sketching it's adventure. I'm not sure if we were allowed to make the toy seem alive, or if we were supposed to be realistic about it. I think I'll end up doing both just so that I have at least tried and ONE of those things will be correct.
I need to get a hawaii shirt. :3
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