First I missed one bus, then I figured that the bus I was aiming for was later than I thought. All after I stressed out the door skipping breakfast...lucky for me Sempai had made chocolate buns.
I spent that day walking about a bit, well, a lot. Went downstairs watching Nana drawing some more, sitting patiently in line to get a drawing. Unfortunately she must have gotten used to me,
because she forgot me. Me and Ai figured I had turned into furniture. We figured out I was a Futon. (see? "FU-ton" 8D )
But in the end I did get my sketch from her, and I'm drooling all over it. Ai and Kerri got their boys too. NOM NOM.
No drawing from Mike this year ;O; I had no monies left after paying for two (owing Ai monies).

Got around to talk with the two cosplayers again, Miku was still Miku, but the genesis cosplayer was...I don't know if he was cosplaying or just dressed awesomely fancy.
Black and white semi-victorian awesomeness. I so want that outfit. Fffhhh~ Dude, why you look so good?

On another note; Leaving Norway soon.
Going to England to stay is weird. I don't think my mind has come around to that yet.
And my room still looks like a vicim of a tornado. Ugh.
I think I have learned that I should file my papers. Because this is hell to go through. I still have some paper left but I don't have time (or enough plastic folders) to sort them until another time.
Have to sort through everything ELSE first.
I suck at time management.
So tomorrow is up early so that I can continue getting rid of stuff.
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