The Saturday I spent being painted in my face by Sempai, was going to be a silly lol face, but ended up with some pattern instead, running a bit around with Ai-pie drooling at the Miku (Vocaloid) and Genesis (Final Fantasy) cosplayers whom we eventually dared to talk with later in the day xD Gawd we're such wussies when it comes to talk to new people. Especially if we think they're awesome xD We ended up figuring out we already sort of knew the Miku from deviantArt. -derp- this world is not as big as it seems.

Then I went to the china restaurant with Ai and Milla for dinner. That was really yummy. Too bad no one had space for desserts in their bellies ;O; love the fried bananas... Then we went back, I finally figured which Mike I was looking for, but then I found Nana. I ended up standing at her table instead drooling at the sketches she did for people. Was going to ask for one but the poor girl had been running from talk to talk and been drawing in between that, and only eaten a cake all day.

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