I have decided this year that I will try to do one full drawing each
week, and to get me started I decided to make fanarts of my favourite
shows, at least the cartoon ones.
Some of these shows are most likely way out of date for most people, but that's
the way I tend to roll - I always seem to join the bandwagon long after it stopped.

Title: Pink Supervisor
Series: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
"This years new year resolutions have left me in despair!"
My relation to the show:
I have to blame my friend for getting me into this one. "Zetsuboshitaaaaaaa" (I am in despair) was somewhat of a catchphrase among us for a little while when we were all watching the series. It is one of the shows I never finished watching, nor did I ever finish reading the manga that it is adapted from even though the series is finished.
Then why is it even on the list?
Well, I can't get over the clever puns with the names of the characters for starters. I find it amusing how the author picks names that sound like names when written horizontal and personality descriptions when written vertical.
For the anime I quite enjoy that the style and/or colors changes all the time. It adds a very odd flavour to the show which would otherwise be very boring. The opening credits and endings do however make me question the sanity of the people working on the show sometimes....
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