May 21, 2012

Back to life

The worst is over.
All those massive hand in's we had on the 18th are now over and I can finally feel a bit more at ease. It was horrible to have four big hand in's at the same day. Think I might have messed up in some places, but I handed in to everyone, so I'm not going to die or anything...
The two following drawings are stuff I did for background practice. The first one being from a storyboard we were told to draw last semester, but I abandoned it because I felt I couldn't pull it off properly and there was a requirement I had forgotten about when I started it.
 This one was originally just going to be a re-drawing of the scenery, but then I decided to try re-draw the entire thing, but being the weirdo I am I found out halfway through sketching I didn't want to re-draw the original with the girls. The poses are the same, but I decided to go with the boys instead.
 Senshi, Kuya, Yo and Lanto.

Decided to have some fun doodling Hawk, Yo and Lanto genderbended, but still keeping their personalities shining through. I blame Japanese music videos for setting this off. It went from happy colorful Yo in a girly pose to genderbend. All because I wanted to draw him in shorts.