Might do more of these as I keep spamming my sketchbook with silly doodles.

Doodled in a very boring lecture. Was early and I felt like falling asleep....on the nearest person, the guy in my class who has a cute lil fox hat.

Said person with the fox hat has two colored hair. It's awesome. And.....Fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffy~ 8)
Good thing he has silly humor and my doodles don't creep him out.
Doodles - how I make friends. Or scare the living daylight out of people. Considering my expressions on my real face keep getting closer and closer to what I actually draw when I doodle it...a lot of people give me weird/worried looks at times. I would lie if I said I don't enjoy making people give me weird looks. It's funny to look at their faces. Especially if they try to keep you from seeing that they are looking at you.
Like back home when I walked around in a dress, and with kitty ears on my head. Almost laughed myself to death when people tried very hard not to give weird stares that I would notice. Fun times, fun times.

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