My favorite character is Death the kid, and after all those silly, yet epic poses he does, (seriously, that mangaka has a crazy way of drawing) and after going through a series of pages containing back breaking poses I just HAD to draw something like that, so Stance of Derp was scribbled out.
What happened after that was that was me wanting to draw more sillyness.
And sillyness=my friends.
But upon scribbling I soon realized the outfits I made them wear looked AWEFUL. Especially Satinka's hat. It looked like something The witch of the Waste would wear.
So I decided to sketch out something for everyone, something proper that would match them. Unfortunatley I managed to screw up Kerrigan's hat too XD Though she did get to see the sketch and I changed it to something she'd like more....

Something I noticed was how my character, Fu, seemed more likely to be a Shibusen student based on her design rather than a withch. So I made it that the hood on her hoodie was really her hat that had been changed with a little bit of magic. But it still bothered me that her outfit didn't seem to match her purpose, so I came up with the simple solution (or maybe lazy..) that her "official" witch outfit was more...witchy than what she preferred to wear on a normal basis. I also decided to change her soul color to orange. :3

Looks very neat! 8D
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