May 22, 2008

Home is gone

No more school. Not because I hate it, it's because they are closing it.
It's sad. That school was the best ever! Everybody over there are friends, and no, I'm not overdoing it when I say that. Just around 20 people in my class and 20 in the other class. Not that big school where there are lots of people yelling, screaming and running around all over the place. No bullies. Not a single one. And now I have to move to another school. Public school. Yes, I know I will be able to work with what I want, I'll be able to have art class at school, but it will never be the same. I'd rather stay at that school than change school.

So all the people I hold so close, even though I might not tell them I do.They could always make me smile. I will really miss them.

Test post

Trying out having a blog.
So this is just a test post I'm doing to see if I totally messed up the HTML thing I was trying out. Hopefully I won't hurt peoples eyes with my colors, not exactly what I'm aiming for.

Hopefully I won't bore to death everyone who comes across this blog. Or hurt their eyes with the colors I chose.


May 21, 2008

new blog

I'm just messing around with my new blog here :3
Hopefully I'll be able to get the hang of this soon. So much editing and such.
